Riverton Utah Stake Relief Society
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May/June 2009
Volume 2; Issue 3
President's Message
Dear Sisters,
Summer is upon us and we hope that many of you sisters are involved in planting a garden. Our Stake Presidency feels strongly about the Stake members growing a garden to help us be more self-reliant. It’s a wonderful way to feed your family good wholesome food that costs very little money. It will take effort and work on our part, but that can be a faith building exercise for all of us; when we harvest our bounty and have enough to feed our families and to share with those in need.
Even if you don’t know the first thing about gardening, there are garden specialists that are available to help us and there is going to be classes taught too. Brother Larry Scott is the Stake garden specialist and will be able to answer any of your questions about this.
These are hard times and it might make you feel fearful of the future – but be not afraid, our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ are aware of our trials, our fears and concerns. President Monson reminded us in this last conference, “that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us if we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us.” This is a wonderful reassuring message from a prophet of God. In the third verse of the hymn Let Us All Press On, there is some very good advice that also gives us hope – “If we do what’s right we have no need to fear, For the Lord, our helper will ever be near; In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer, and prosper the cause of truth.”
It is our prayer for you dear sisters that you will feel the love of the Lord in your lives and that you will do all that you can do to keep the Spirit in your home by diligent scripture study, fervent daily prayers, and living righteously. We love each and every one of you and pray for you and your families to be well and strong during these difficult times.
Love, Shannon, Lori, Sammy and Jan
Saving & Storing Seeds
From the garden of Clo Dillman
Seed Saving is an economical and worthwhile part of vegetable gardening. It offers you a sense of sustainability and self sufficiency.
You should save only seeds from plants that are open pollinators. Sometimes open pollinators are referred to as Heirloom varieties. Check the catalog or seed package the original seeds came from and it will be marked as “open pollinated”. If you have a hybrid variety, it will not produce seeds that are true to its parent. Many common vegetables are open pollinators and are easy to save. These include beans, peas, tomatoes, lettuce and herbs.
The methods for seed saving are as follows:
Tomato Seeds: Select a ripe fruit and slice the tomato in half horizontally. Squeeze the pulp, seed and membrane over a container. Mix with water and allow to ferment 2-5 days at room temperature. Stir the mixture a few times each day. Mold may start to form on top, but the seeds will settle to the bottom of the container. At the end of the fermentation process, carefully wash the seeds from the pulp and let them dry on a paper plate for several days until entirely dry. Store in a glass jar or envelope in a cool dry place.
Beans and Peas: Do not pick pods, but allow to air dry until pods become dry and brittle brown on the plant. Pick the pods and allow to dry for 2 more weeks. Shell the seeds and store in a paper bag in a cool dry place.
Herb Seeds: There are many kinds of herbs, but generally they are treated the same. Let the plant go to seed. Allow the seeds to almost completely dry on the plant. Some seed heads such as dill will completely fall apart if allow to completely dry on the plant, so watch carefully and harvest as soon as they seem dry enough, but before they fall from the plant. Harvest by snipping off several inches below the seed head. You can encase the seed head in a paper sack before snipping the stem. Hang the herb upside down with the seed head encased in that paper sack. Tie a string or rubber band around the stems and paper bag. Hang the herb upside down and allow to completely dry. This may take a few weeks. Check a couple times a week and when completely dry, remove the seeds from the seed heads if they have not already fallen off. These seeds can be used immediately for seasoning or stored in a cool dry place.
Lettuce seeds: Allow lettuce to go to seed. Cut the seed stalks from the plant when fluffy in appearance. It will be before all the seeds are dried. You will lose all the seed if you allow the seeds to completely dry on the plant. Dry the seed stalk as described for herbs above or dry by placing the stalks on a piece of white paper. When the seed stalk is completely dry, shake the seed stalk over the paper and collect the seeds. Store in a glass jar or envelope in a cool, dry place until ready to plant.
Be sure to mark all your seeds carefully. Mark the variety and the date you harvested the seed. If seeds are stored properly they will remain viable for several years.
If you choose, you can also purchase seeds from a seed company that are packaged and sealed for long term storage. These prepared #10 cans contain open pollinators of peas, radish, onion, spinach, cabbage, swiss chard, beets, carrots, lettuce, beans, corn, cucumber, zucchini, pepper, winter squash, and tomato. Contact Mountain Valley Seed in Salt Lake City for this option.
Stake Workshops
Sister Rimmasch (801-253-9640) will have copies of the Quilting Packet from our April Stake Enrichment at the first meeting.
Meet in the Park Building from 7:00 pm -9:00 pm on the following Thursday evenings:
June 11 & 25
July 9 & 23
August 6 & 20
September 10 & 24
Please contact Sister Marylou Rimmasch @ 801-253-9640.
Please contact President Shannon Fletcher @ 801-446-4000 if you would like additional information about Crocheting Workshops.
Cannery Dates
Sandy Utah Home Storage Center Dry Pack (561-8104)
Friday, Jul 10th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Dry Pack times are listed in the Stake Calendar as ‘Home Storage.’
These times have been reserved for our Stake.
Family Time at the Dinner Table
From the kitchen of Julie Van Den Berghe
Family time at the dinner table is the most important time we have as a family together. We have conversations there that we never have at any other time. We feel closer together during this time. We have a hard time getting up after we eat because it is so relaxing and nice to touch base with each other. We made the rule before we had kids that we would never have the television on during meal time. We have a tradition we started years ago by asking the children what their “happy” for the day was. This opens the door to hear about their days
Gardening Specialists
The Stake President has asked us to plan a garden and it’s certainly not too late to get started. The following individuals are ready to answer your questions and provide advice.
Larry Scott 801 254-0521
Bob & Susie Gilham 801-254-3675
Jay Webb 801-571-8186
Clo Dillman 801-254-7111
Rick Dumont 801-254-0668
Leo Kennedy 801-254-6369
Strawberry Pie
(or Peach, or Raspberry)
From the kitchen of Becky Peterson
1 Pkg Strawberry Jell-O (Small) or Peach or Raspberry
2 Tbl Cornstarch
1 Cup Sugar
2 Cup Boiling Water
2 Cup Strawberries
Stir together Jell-O, cornstarch, sugar; add boiling water and return to a boil; cool to room temperature; chill in refrigerator until thickened but not solid; stir in 2 cups sliced fruit (in the case of raspberries, they needn't be sliced) (you can use frozen straight from the bag).
Pour into a pie shell and chill several hours more; serve with sweetened whipping cream.
Charity Never Faileth