Riverton Utah Stake Relief Society
Provident Living
December 2008
Volume 1; Issue 10
Cannery Dates
Sandy Utah Home Storage Center Dry Pack (801-561-8104)
Wednesday, January 7th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
This time have been reserved for our Stake.
Welfare Square Cannery (801-240-2227)
Call this number for the most current family canning information at the welfare square cannery.
Murray Cannery (801-266-1460)
If you are interested in the latest cannery information you can sign up for eMail notifications. Notifications can also be received by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to the cannery.
Storing Rice
In addition to wheat, rice is one of the staples of long term food storage. Most white rice varieties dry well and can be stored for upwards of 30 years when packaged properly.
All food storage should be placed in a cool, dark, and dry location preferably off the floor and away from rodents.
Instant Oatmeal Packets
From the Kitchen of Lori Berrett
To make individual packets blend ½ cup of whole oatmeal until powdery. Into each of the 10 packets (individual Ziploc sandwich bags work well) combine the following ingredients:
¼ Cup un-powdered oats
2 Tbl Powdered Oats
1/8 tsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar (optional)
Close the top and store in a dry place.
Microwave directions for cooking:
Empty packet into microwaveable bowl. Add 2/3 cup water or milk. Microwave at HIGH about 1 ½ minutes; stir.
Conventional directions for cooking:
Empty packet into pan. Add ½ cup boiling water; cook and stir over heat until thickened.
Makes 10 packets of instant oatmeal
Stake Relief Society Cookbook
This recipe and others have been added to the updated Riverton Utah Stake Relief Society Cookbook. Try using Google to access the “Riverton Utah Stake Cookbook” online. If you see any error that needs correcting please notify Jan Griffiths.
Turkey Rice Casserole
From the kitchen of Kathy Domgaard
2 Cup Cooked Turkey or Chicken (Chopped)
2 2/3 Cup Cooked Rice
1 Cup Celery
½ Cup Onion
1 Can Evaporated Milk
2 Can Cream of Chicken Soup
½ Cup Slivered Almonds
1½ Cup Mayo
2 Tbl Lemon Juice
Mix all ingredients together well. Place in a 9”X13” pan & refrigerate for 24 hours.
Bake @ 350° for 30-40 minutes.
President's Message
Dear Sisters,
It seems impossible that another year is drawing to a close. There are so many wonderful things we have to be thankful for during this season. During the last year, we have encouraged all of you to prepare every needful thing; to ensure that you are increasing or maintaining your food storage, are preparing for emergency situations and have some financial resources.
If you haven’t already taken the time to make sure that “All is safely gathered in” so that you and your family are prepared for whatever comes in the future and are wise stewards over all He has given us, please take the opportunity.
We love this time of year and the many reminders we have of our Savior, His birth, His life of example and the joyous gifts that He offers to each of his daughters. Please take some quiet time during the Christmas season to reflect on the birth and life of the Savior. Try to understand more fully the wondrous gifts he bestows on us daily. Celebrate this joyous season with your family and help your children understand and feel the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Our love and prayers go out to each of you during this season. May you feel the love of the Savior surrounding and protecting you daily.
Love, Shannon, Lori, Sammy, & Jan
Storing Oats
The bran of the oat grain is the outer layer of the oat kernel, where much of the fiber and many of the nutrients reside. Whole oats (rolled or steel-cut) contain the bran along with the rest of the oat kernel. Oat bran contains the same nutrients and fiber found in whole oats but they are more concentrated. So eating whole oats will give you the same benefits of oat bran, you'll just need to eat more of it to get the same effect.
Cooking time and texture are the only differences among the varieties. Steel-cut oats, sometimes called Scotch oats or Irish oats, are whole oats sliced into thick, elongated pieces. They have a chewy texture and take about 20 minutes to cook.
Rolled oats are steamed and flattened between steel rollers, so they take about five minutes to cook and are easier to chew than steel-cut oats.
Quick oats are cut into smaller pieces before being rolled, so they cook very quickly, in about a minute.
Instant oats are precooked and pressed so thin it takes only boiling water to "reconstitute" them. Generally, they have a lot of added sodium; the flavored versions also have added sugar. Try the different varieties to see which flavor and texture you like better.
Store oats in a dark, dry location in a well-sealed container. Regular and quick-cooking rolled oats have been stored up to 28 years in sealed containers.
Both oat bran and oats (rolled or quick) can be used in baking. Oats alone don't contain enough gluten to make bread, but you can modify your recipes to include half the grain as oats. To make oat flour, pulverize rolled oats in a grinder until they have the same consistency as flour.
Charity Never Faileth